Monday, April 4, 2016



(Image taken from


 Bishop, Nic. (2012). Snakes. New York, NY: Scholastic. 

Reading Level: 850L

Why Should You Read This Book?
- The book has vivid photography.
- The captions state how many times magnified the images of the snakes are, which provides students with greater understanding of snakes and magnification.
- The captions in the book are very informative.
- The book is very interactive due to its expandable pages.
- The book contains an index, about the author section, a glossary, and a further reading section.

This book would make a marvelous literature discussion text.

Online Resources:

Encounters with Snakes
This website contains behind the scene information about Bishop's encounters with snakes. This website contains information about the close calls he has experienced.

Science Kids
This website would be one I recommend for students who find a great interest in snakes due to its abundance of facts. There is also a link to learn more about verminous snakes that is embedded into this webpage,

Key Words
Reptiles, Animals, Snakes, Informational, Nature

Molt: to shed an outer layer occasionally
Venom: a poison that passes through a victim when bit or stung
Brumation: a form of hibernation that helps snakes survive cold weather
Ambush: to lie and wait before attacking
Predator: an animal that hunts another animal for food
Prey: an animal that is hunted by other animals for food
Chink: a crack or cleft

Reading Strategy:
Before reading, ask students to use a KWL to fill in what they know about snakes and want to know about snakes.

During reading, have students summarize what they read on each page in their groups.This will be beneficial because each page contains a significant portion of information and summarizing the information that was covered will help the reading group with comprehension.
After reading, have students fill in the learned section of the KWL chart. Students will then talk about what they have learned from the book and what they still would like to know. 

Writing Strategy:

After the book has been read, students will create an acrostic poem about snakes using facts they learned from their reading. 

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